Natalia Rak

Natalia Rak

Natalia Rak from Poland. More info

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Urban Forms Foundation was created in 2009. We focus on a broadly defined city culture and on organizing, promoting and supporting independent artists’ initiatives in a public space. We want to change city space by raising its quality and aesthetics. We find artistic activities as important tools in education and social revitalization.


Urban Forms Gallery is the main project of the foundation. It is a permanent street art exhibition in a public space in Lodz. As for now, it consists of over 20 large format paintings, murals, created directly on the side wall elevations of buildings placed in the city centre. They form an artistic trail open to everyone: citizens and tourists. As taking care of the high artistic value of the whole undertaking is fundamental, we invite artists who are world leaders in creating street art in public spaces.
The gallery is situated in a unique architecture of Lodz city centre with blank walls along main streets. It also refers to cultural heritage in the form of numerous and well preserved advertisement murals created between 1960 and 1980. Because of this, Lodz becomes an important centre of street art in Poland and in the world.


In the upcoming years, Urban Forms Gallery will be enriched with other street art objects like sculpture, installation, street jewellery etc. We’d like large format paintings to become a flagship of the city and Lodz to be associated with modern and valuable art created in a public space.


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ROBERT PROCH from Poland

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NESPOON from Poland


NESPOON è un artista polacca che realizza opere che sfruttano l’estetica classica dei centrini o dei rosoni alla street-art. Applica i suoi esperimenti sia in ambiente urbano che in quello naturale,  dando al tutto con un sapore retrò.

Quindi, utilizzando un merletto o dei tovaglioli, NeSpoon ripete i loro modelli con prodotti in argilla, e quindi assegna loro opere sui muri, recinti, ai piedi dei monumenti, colonne … In breve, l’artista adorna eventuali posti che sembrano come noiosi. “Un giorno la mia amica Anna chiamato il mio” progetto gioielli per i luoghi pubblici “, – racconta NeSpoon. – E, sai, mi piaceva il nome. Gioielli progettati per abbellire le persone, e le mie opere lo stesso obiettivo, ma si adornano luoghi pubblici.



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